
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Speech update

Well due to a miscommunication, our speech therapy assessment with ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) was rescheduled for today. Good news, after a two hour screening and evaluation it was determined Everett does not show significant enough delays in development and therefore does not need speech therapy at this time.

Screening Results are as follows:

Though he is currently exhibiting a four month delay in his "expressive" language, his therapists do not feel it is a great enough to warrant speech therapy. Instead they provided some strategies for us to practice and use with Everett:

  1. Encourage spontaneous repetition during play by offering opportunities - label objects and then pause, giving time for Everett to imitate.

  2. Encourage pretend play with plastic animals or with his train - you are modeling for him the language that goes with the play routine.

  3. Expand single word labels to 2 word phrases by using "big", "little", "colors" in front of the words he's using.  For fish "big fish", "little fish".
I'm glad we had this assessment today, not only have they given Deona and myself valuable information and materials, but ECI has motivated me to take advantage of those learning and playing opportunities that occur throughout the day.  Now, a trip to Toys 'R Us for train accessories and plastic animals for "pretend play" is in order. :o) 

1 comment:

Jen said...

It's always fun to have Dr ordered play time!