
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We're Separating

Well it's true, facebook (fb) and I are going through a separation and finalizing our divorce in two days.  Why two days you ask?  I made a fb post this morning announcing I would be deleting my account; I am hopeful it's plenty of time to inform family and friends.
Why the change of heart?  Well, I was forwarded an email this morning, "Has Technology Become Your New God?"  Well no, but recognize I do spend way more attention to the computer than I should and will blame fb. :o) 
Okay so maybe I've been in denial.   I've known for sometime this relationship is not healthy. I thought fb could change.  A few months ago we tried compromise; I reduced the number of friends on my account from 380 to 95, deleting all profiles I felt cluttered my wall with
  • Excessive game posts (Farmville, FarmTown, Bejeweled, MafiaWars, etc)
  • hateful and blood boiling posts (politcal, collegiate, etc)
all while keeping most family and friends whom have shown interest in me/my life.  I will say I felt really, really sad deleting friends from highschool, I just didn't know how else to make the distinction. I am hopeful to make contact with everyone via other, more meaningful methods (i.e. phone calls, visits, gatherings, reunions, etc).
In the meanwhile consider checking out/buying this book.

a few book teasers:
  •  When I know the ultimate purpose of my life, I can know whether I'm using my time properly. If I do not know that ultimate purpose, I have no way of judging my efficiency. -Fred Smith
  • Ignorance is not a sin; acting like you know something when you don't is.
  •  ....of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. -Ecclesiastes 12:12
  • I make it a rule not to clutter my mind with simple information that I can find in a book in five minutes. -Albert Einstein
  • Overloaded people fail. They always have and they always will....Like an airplane, we can only carry a certain amount of weight. If we have too much baggage on board, we will be ineffective and we won't be able to soar. Most people end up exceeding the weight limit. Motivated by the desire to please, impress, or otherwise gain commendation, they take on too much and, in the end, fail to reach the heights of success or else crash because they ignored their limitations. In order to maximize your life, you have to minimize your load. -T.D. Jakes
 So Goodbye facebook. Hello purposeful life.


Tammy said...

You are my hero. :o)

<3 -tam

Roy said...

Whimp. :-)

Actually I've been considering doing the same thing. I really enjoy FB but I realize that when I say I have too little time (to exercise, read good books, play with the kids) I have to wonder how much time could be found with a facebook-free life.

Rebecca said...

Don't mind me...I'm just stalking you over here now...

amber o said...

Welcome to life on the other side! I'm happy to say I've never been sucked in. Join the revolution!

Unknown said...

Wow!! I'm inspired! Just think of all the extra time you'll have with your family and just for yourself. I think about and yet using FB as a way to keep in touch with family/friends since moving away has helped. But...it's been nearly 2 years...maybe I need to think about getting rid of this pacifier. I will say it has been great getting to know my cousin...it's been so long, and all because of fb! Hmmmmm.... Love you and hope we can still stay in touch!