
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Transitions, Etc.

Some days it feels like I have 10 things I could post about and other times I could go weeks without ever needing to post.   Today is one of those days when I have lots to share/capture.   A reminder: our family blog also serves as our "baby book" so please never feel pressured to read or comment on posts.  I do, however, absolutely LOVE hearing from you and receiving your comments. :)

We have been blessed with a child who is comfortable transitioning.  Whatever it is: pacifiers, bottles, sippy cups, crib, toddler bed, twin bed, child potty, sitting on adult potty to now standing.  Virtually all of them have happend without a fuss and most often on their own.  Dreamy. 
In January we started potty training. We have progressed from "wee-wee" runs every 6-7 minutes to now every 1-2 hours.  He is never reminded,  he goes when he needs to go. #1 (wee-wee) or #2 (foo-foo), it doesnt matter, he's got it down. I'm amazed.  Everett is completely potty trained and though he wears pull-ups through the night, he wakes up dry.
Today another transition.  Early this morning he was sitting himself on the toilet seat and now, just three hours later, he is picking up the toilet seat, standing near the bowl and peeing. Huh? How did that happen?  In a matter of 3 hours he grew up? There have been maybe 4 times we have had him stand to pee; three of those times were in nature.  :o)  Maybe it was Grammy or possibly Uncle Dodo.  How ever it evolved, it's awesome!!  Our child is brilliant.

I saw this product "GO GIRL" on the Wendy Williams Show (LOVE her, btw).  (Mom, this is what I was telling you about when we were at Garcia's last weekend.)  I personally think this is brilliant and wish I came up with this idea.  Actually, back in my backpacking days I thought about this very idea, just never followed through. OH well.  shoulda. woulda. coulda.  :o)

Okay, so at first glance you're probably wondering what the heck we're dealing with here.
Well let us tell you, the Go Girl  is a new product for women that just hit the market, and the girls here in the Lifetime offices are obsessed with it!
Take the Go Girl with you wherever you go because you can never predict when you won't have a bathroom (or a clean one, for sure!). The Go Girl lets you easily avoid nasty toilet seats and makes the whole camping-in-the-woods thing a lot easier because you just use the medical-grade silicone funnel to help you go just like a guy. (It's even got a "splash guard," which is key.) It's another step forward for women's rights, and we love it!


1 comment:

Adventures with Martin and Chris said...

THAT'S THE GROSS-EST(?) THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!! You first use it, then rinse it to use again!?! I think I'd rather squat, thank you.