
Saturday, November 13, 2010

30 Things, 30 Months - Happy Birthday Sweet Ev!

Okay so we’re not the parents who refer to their child’s age in terms of months until they are forever old, but I didn’t think my post would be at all interesting if I posted only 2 ½ things about Everett. :o)
Dearest Everett you are 2 ½ today! In honor of this, we’ve taken note of 30 things about you:

1. Waffles, (veggie) bacon, pretzels, bananas, apples, broccoli, corn on the cob, plain spaghetti, guacamole, tortillas, tortilla chips and rice are your favorite foods…oh, and anything sweet.

2. Your favorite stuffed animal is your Winnie the "Pooh Bear" (Beh). He always sleeps with you at night; Shamu (moo-shoe) is your second favorite.

3. Your favorite tv show is Dinosaur Train.

4. A few of your favorite DVD’s right now are Veggie Tales Very Silly Songs! & The Ultimate Silly Song Countdown, Baby Einstein’s Baby Mozart, Baby Galileo, Blue’s Clues Shapes and Colors

5. You like to play Ring Around the Rosies, and Go get her, go get her, go get her!

6. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and Old McDonald are your favorite nursery rhymes.

7. You like wrestling and climbing on your favorite people.

8. You LOVE milk.

9. You LOVE cake (just like Mommy)!

10. You are a fast learner. You can remember what’s coming up next on videos even after only seeing them once or twice.

11. You know your alphabet , many shapes and colors.
Everett LOVES letters and learning.   

12. You are a sweet boy; you say “saw-wee” when you know you need to apologize. You also use the term “saw-wee” when you’re sad about something.

13. Although you are talking more and repeating more, you struggle with some words and many times flipping words. For example when you say the word “help” you will say “up”. When we work on the word with you, you repeat, “up-h” or Shamu is "moo-shoe"  Dyslexia perhaps? Maybe, maybe not. :)

14. You weigh 31pounds.

15. You are 38”tall

16. You wear size 3T shirts, 2T Long pants and size 8.5 shoe

17. You have become more demanding and have started throwing decent size tantrums occasionally when you don’t get what you want.

18. Meeting people for the first time or reconnecting with those whom you have not seen in a while is difficult for you. You’ll most often whine and ignore their attention until you’ve warmed up to them/situation.

19. You are beginning to recognize familiar people and call them by name.

20. You are a far out dancer. You have many styles: standing still but nodding your head up- down- and all around, bouncing from the waist up, dancing really, really fast (running-like) with your knees up.

21. You have quite a voice and you love to sing. Though you usually only say the last word of the sentence in a song, you’re really great carrying out the note.

22. You love trains – all kinds (animated, the hobby kind and real, life size). You are quick to notice trains from afar and look for them on road trips.

23. You love taking baths and especially love baths when there are bubbles involved.

24. Your bedtime buddy “must-haves” include your Thomas the Tank Engine blankie, Pooh Bear, Shamu (stuffed and puppet), prayer angel, round fluffy orange pillow, stuffed Thomas the Tank Engine (large & small versions) and a sippy cup of milk.

25. Your preferred bedtime story is “Goodnight Moon” and you love to point out the phone “a-a-a-a-phone” & balloon “boon!”.

26. “Wee-wee” ing in the toilet calls for a celebration of “YEAH!!!!”’s and loud hand clapping.

27. You call Mama “máma” and Mommy “mamá”.

28. You are the best greeter when Mama gets home from work, “HI-YA MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”

29. You love your brother and are very helpful getting diapers and pacifiers “sussy” for him.

30. You have begun helping yourself to snacks in the pantry and opening the fridge door to look for milk.

Those are the first 30 things that come to mind, I’m sure we could come up with lots more. I hope to someday look back at this list with you, remember and smile. We are so proud AND blessed to be your mommies. Happy Birthday sweet Ev, we love you!

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