
Monday, November 15, 2010

Nose Picker

Can somebody please tell me why toddlers are so obsessed with picking their nose? Because I’ve been trying to figure it out since Ev mysteriously figured out he can shove his fingers up there.   Just recently we watched said picking finger casually travel. down. into. mouth. AHHHHHHH!  Could we have a booger-eating boy?!!!!!!!!!!!!! My (booger-free) fingers are crossed he is NOT and will try my best not to make a big deal out of this gross stage our toddler is in.

Everett gets a lesson on picking his nose with a tissue.

The Grim Demise of Jimmy Price

foolish boy named Jimmy Price
refused to take his mum’s advice
and kept on poking up his nose
his fingers, thumbs and, once, his toes
nose picking gave him endless joy
oh what a frightful, horrid, boy
his mother told him that his head
would cave right in and he’d be dead
but Jimmy knew that this was bluff
“it’s such an awful lot of guff
there’s really nothing wrong with snot
I’ll pick my nose and eat the lot”
he scraped and plucked his nostrils clean
it was a truly gruesome scene
ignoring every sign of pain
he rummaged ‘til he found his brain
which out he pulled without a thought
and that’s the end of my report
for Jimmy died right there and then
he never picked his nose again
It’s most unsatisfactory
to eat what is olfactory

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