
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our great day with Chuck E. Cheese

Due to Tuesday's ice storm, we've been confined to our apartment and sadly have experienced some cabin fever.   Today we (cautiously) ventured out to our neighborhood Chuck E. Cheese.   Our visit was quite unique this time around as there were very few families visiting today.  A bonus was getting to see Chuck E. in person PLUS Everett received a  personal dance invitation (from Chuck E. himself) to "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes".  It was AWESOME!!  Everett had such an great time we'll most likely plan his 3rd birthday with Chuck E. Cheese in May.   Tentatively May 21st - 10 a.m. - 12 noon.
Many of you know Everett  has never liked pizza. Today Everett ate a whole slice of cheese pizza for the very first time, and  liked it!  
Everett redeemed his 200 tickets for a mylar Chuck E. Cheese balloon.

Thanks Chuck E. and staff for a great day!


Ori said...

May 6th is a Friday, the 7th is the first Sat and Family nature Club. Did you mean a different day?

ROOT226 said...

Oh you're right Ori. :o/
Not sure then. Probably May 21st as Deona has a training on the 14th. will need to check a couple of things and let yall know. :) <3