
Friday, November 23, 2007

Over the river and through the woods

Friday morning, Deona and I loaded up the car for a short, weekend trip to see Grandma Cross.
After checking into our hotel, Friday afternoon, Deona and I headed out to Grandmas farm. Always a nice crowd at Grandmas....Aunt Deanna's bunch was there, so was Uncle Charlie, Uncle Tony, cousins Kim, Julie, Justin and kids,along with Don, Debbie, Dondi and Jordan.
We had a great time visiting with everyone...it's always nice to sit and talk in a relaxed setting.
Later, Debbie, Aunt Deanna, Deona, Bryn and myself headed down to the old school house to decorate the place with fall decorations for the Jacobs reunion on Saturday.
Later in the evening, Deona and I headed back to our hotel in Stillwater. It started snowing pretty good when we left the farm, so when we arrived, roof tops and grassy areas were covered with snow. It was quite a challenge to find a clear area for Prince to take care of business.
The news Saturday morning said we had about 3 inches of snow in Stillwater.
Our usual 4 hour trip home took an additional hour, as we found ourselves smackdab in the middle of OU / OSU football game traffic.
We really should plan a better route, next time.

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