
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Everett is 4 weeks today!

We're amazed how fast Everett is growing.
In four short weeks, our baby boy has changed so much.

Everett now has more control of his head and raises it when lying on his stomach.
His eyes are focusing and he recognizes our faces and voices.
Mommy enjoys tapping his nose lightly, as he's now responding with big smiles.

Currently little E is eating approximately 4 oz, every 2-3 hours.

Everett has been sleeping in his crib since week two. Bedtime is around 9:00 p.m., whether he's sleepy or not. He's pretty happy in his crib and falls asleep on his own, provided he has a full belly. :)
He wakes up, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, between 6 or 6:30 a.m.
Both Deona and I take turns getting up to feed, burp and change him, every three hours or so.

He is discovering bright colors and enjoys playing with his toy rattles.
Everett enjoys being sung to, listening to his lullaby CD's, sitting in his swing and Papasan. His favorite activity is cuddle time with mama or mommy.

Our next doctors appointment is July 21st, so we don’t know how much he has actually grown. We've considered taking him to the post office to weigh him on the postage scale :). We're fairly certain he has surpassed the 10 pound mark, and we're sure he's at least 22" in length.
He is officially out of newborn diapers; however, he still hasn't lost his umbilical cord stump.
Everett's eyes are still blue and his hair is changing to a lighter shade of red.
Grammie discovered a dimple on the right side of his smile.

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