
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cross Your Heart Claw (& Antlers)

The 2010 World Series gets under way tonight as the Texas Rangers and San Francisco Giants square off with both cities looking to win their first World Series.  Rangers are favored to take the Series.  Crossing my Claws and Antlers!!

For those of you who are unaware, the claw is a sort of "air hi-five" that Rangers base runners will throw to the dugout (the dugout will reciprocate) after a big hit. This is a sort of rap/club song about this gesture that was written in order to promote the team. It costs 99 cents on the website and all of the procedes go towards helping the troops. So if you like the song, buy it, if you don't, buy it anyway. :)

Welcome To Our Blog

Our blog is for everyone, including all you blog stalkers out there.  In fact, We LOVE blog stalkers. :o)  If you're a blogger, flatter us and add us to your "follow" list.
OH! Don't forget to leave a comment or two, we'd love to see that you stopped by.

For Aunt Jackie - Here's how to leave a comment:

1) Find the post you want to comment on.
2) At the bottom of the post you'll see "comment", click on it.  A screen will pop up that looks like this:


3)  Post your comment (right column).
4) Type out the CAPTCHA code (security feature).
5)  Choose your identity: Since you do not have a blog click on the "Name/URL" option.  You will only be required to type your name. OR you can click on the "Anonymous" option and just type your name at the end of your comment. 
6) Click "Publish Your Comment"  VOILA!  You won't immediately see your post as I approve all comments before they get published.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We're Separating

Well it's true, facebook (fb) and I are going through a separation and finalizing our divorce in two days.  Why two days you ask?  I made a fb post this morning announcing I would be deleting my account; I am hopeful it's plenty of time to inform family and friends.
Why the change of heart?  Well, I was forwarded an email this morning, "Has Technology Become Your New God?"  Well no, but recognize I do spend way more attention to the computer than I should and will blame fb. :o) 
Okay so maybe I've been in denial.   I've known for sometime this relationship is not healthy. I thought fb could change.  A few months ago we tried compromise; I reduced the number of friends on my account from 380 to 95, deleting all profiles I felt cluttered my wall with
  • Excessive game posts (Farmville, FarmTown, Bejeweled, MafiaWars, etc)
  • hateful and blood boiling posts (politcal, collegiate, etc)
all while keeping most family and friends whom have shown interest in me/my life.  I will say I felt really, really sad deleting friends from highschool, I just didn't know how else to make the distinction. I am hopeful to make contact with everyone via other, more meaningful methods (i.e. phone calls, visits, gatherings, reunions, etc).
In the meanwhile consider checking out/buying this book.

a few book teasers:
  •  When I know the ultimate purpose of my life, I can know whether I'm using my time properly. If I do not know that ultimate purpose, I have no way of judging my efficiency. -Fred Smith
  • Ignorance is not a sin; acting like you know something when you don't is.
  •  ....of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. -Ecclesiastes 12:12
  • I make it a rule not to clutter my mind with simple information that I can find in a book in five minutes. -Albert Einstein
  • Overloaded people fail. They always have and they always will....Like an airplane, we can only carry a certain amount of weight. If we have too much baggage on board, we will be ineffective and we won't be able to soar. Most people end up exceeding the weight limit. Motivated by the desire to please, impress, or otherwise gain commendation, they take on too much and, in the end, fail to reach the heights of success or else crash because they ignored their limitations. In order to maximize your life, you have to minimize your load. -T.D. Jakes
 So Goodbye facebook. Hello purposeful life.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ryan's Dream Team - JDRF 5K Walk

Today we took part in JDRF's Walk to Cure Diabetes with "Ryan's Dream Team" in Fort Worth. 
Ryan is the son of one of my best highschool friends (Tammy Dunn Vyas) and was diagnosed with diabetes at age 3.    Though it has been a long haul for Ryan, I am inspired by this young man and especially his family.

Ryan's Dream Team 2010 - Fort Worth, TX

A special THANK YOU to
Randee Dunaway
Sharon Nice
Aunt Jackie Baird
Heather Pitts
Christine Guajardo (Mom)
Debbie Jordan (Mom)
Tammy Jaso
Dondi Hayhurst and
Sandy Dunn
for helping us  SURPASS our family goal of $100.   

Though our personal contribution is small, I am hopeful our efforts will help inspire others to join in, make a donation, or possibly reach out to someone that might be able to make a financial contribution to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. 

We are blessed with wonderful friends and family who would prove to be a strong support system should our boys ever be diagnosed with juvenile diabetes or any other disease for that matter.  For that  reason our family will continue to do what we can to support Ryan and many others like Ryan who have juvenile diabetes.

Thanks for past support and, or any going forward. To make a donation, please visit my JDRF Fundraising Page.
(click photo to enlarge)
OH and I must include this picture from later in the day.   Everett kept telling us he he didn't need a nap:
Everett & Pooh Bear not napping in the middle of their bedroom floor.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Halfway to Tears

I came across photos from last Fall. Seeing how much our Everett has grown in one year pains me. Don't get me wrong, I feel extremely blessed for all the happiness, gifts and miracles we've received since his birth but tell me, will I always regress and wish time back?   I could cry in a split second thinking about how fast these 2 1/2 years have come and gone and never mind that we're half way to tears kindergarten.  :o(   Waaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Arboretum Fall 2009

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy BIG Birthdays!

Our family celebrated three BIG birthday's this month:

HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY TO Grammy/Debbie/Mom!
Last night we celebrated Grammy with a home cooked meal, birthday cake, pumkin carving and some snuggle time with the boys.  

Some pics from the night:

We had  a wonderful time celebrating and treating Aunt Jackie to a birthday dinner at Pasta Italy.  It was nice catching up and especially loved hearing all about new grandbaby Kade.  Thanks Katy and Josh for joining the celebration!

We're looking forward to celebrating Chad when we visit family next weekend for Halloween.  It's hard to believe our little Chad is 20 years old and no longer a teenager. :(

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

S'mores Bar

Toni's, going away reception (Hootenanny) was a hit! Setting up this s'mores bar was not only easy and really cheap, but was a great conversational piece and an awesome spot for all ages to convene.
 Marshmallows, graham crackers and Hershey's chocolates on aluminum camping plates.
 "Fire" was created by using a strand of Christmas lights.  The original strand I used was multi-colored, transparent bulbs.  I removed all but the orange and red bulbs.
Roasting marshmallows over chafing fuel is safe IF you're using "ethanol" fuel (NOT methanol).  Though it was a bit challenging to find, I was able to purchase some from a local restaurant supplier.

Thanks Dani for taking such awesome photos at the party.  Please be sure to email Dani for permission to use any of her photographs.

Photographs by Dani Shaw

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ranger Fans!

It's a GREAT year to be a Texas Ranger Fan!
A HUGE thank you to Uncle Roy for getting Everett & Emory their very first Ranger tshirts, they fit and look great!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Fall YALL!

The boys had their Fall photos taken this weekend.   If you've never had to corral a 2 year old while getting a 6 month old situated during a photoshoot, I don't recommend it.  Nonetheless, I think the photos turned out well.

Everett Blake, 2 years 5 months
Emory Owen, 6 months

Friday, October 15, 2010


NOT US (dont panic).  :o) 
My nephew Chris and his wife Kim are preggers!!!!!!!!!!! 
Baby Jaso is due June 2nd!


I love the blog world; I especially like that someone's good idea can send you on your way to the next blog then the next.  In the blog world, it's etiquette to reference/tag a blog when you've used their ideas, crafts, etc.  Today I was reading one of my regulars and she referenced this really cool blog
If you are a Crafty Cathy check it out, I know you'll LOVE it.  She is a woman after my own heart.  Now that we are in the midst of the holiday season, I'm going to start crafting more.   I'll just need to make sure the boys can cover household chores.

Had to share these, too cute and doable!

Pumpkin Marshmallow Pops

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mommy's Little Monster

It's hard to believe that in just a little over 2 years, our baby has morphed into a little boy that now wears size 3T shirts, 2T Tall jeans and size 9 sneakers.   How in the world?  It's a scary thought to think our little monster isn't so little anymore.

Everett - 2 years, 5 months

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

6 Month Check Up, Stats and Milestones

Emory's monthly photo shoot with "Ellie-phant"

Emory turned 6 months old on Sunday.
We couldn't be prouder or happier.  Here are his milestones:

Dear Emory,

Your biggest accomplishment was learning to roll from your back to your belly (on your Mommy's birthday); you’ve gotten really good at it.

You’ve started inch-worming around; often times we find you have scootched off your pallet.  Just recently you've figured out how to scootch over pillows.   Modifications are in order. :)

You enjoy jumping up and down in our laps.

You can now reach up with both arms to signal you want to be picked up.

Your tenderness simply melts our hearts; lucky for us you LOVE to be held and snuggled.  We  love your gentle face and arm strokes, babies don’t come any sweeter.

Most of the time you are content and a quiet baby, you whine only when you  are tired and ready for a nap/bed.

You've learned how to make squeally noises with your mouth when you are excited.

You are ticklish; especially under your arms and on the bottoms of the feet. Hearing you giggle makes us laugh.

You drink 7 ounces of formula when you wake up in the morning and every 4-6 hours thereafter. You are on regular formula now, reflux is pretty much gone. Hooray!

You love to eat your solid foods. At breakfast you eat rice cereal followed by a 4 ounce bottle of formula. You love your vegetables; so far you’ve had squash and peas. This week you will have your first fruits.

You take 3-4 naps a day and each nap lasts 20 minutes to an hour. You are awake approximately 12 hours a day and sleep about 12 hours. Now that you are 6 months old (and very wiggly), you will transition from our bed to your crib, I think this move will be harder for us than for you. :( Your bedtime is 10:00ish pm and wake up around 6:30ish a.m.

You're still using your "sussy" (pacifer), especially after drinking your bottle and to help you fall asleep. You have mastered picking it up and placing it in your mouth.

Photos from today's 6 month check up.
(click photo to enlarge)

Today at your 6 month check-up, you weighed 22 pounds, 2 ounces and measured 28.5 inches long. You are our gentle giant.  :o) Doc said you looked and sounded great.  You received five shots; including your flu shot (1st dose). 

You wear 12-18 month clothes and size 2 shoes. You went from a size 4 diaper to a size 5. You still fit into size 4’s but wearing 5’s makes it easier for us, as your brother wears size 5’s as well.

Your have beautiful hazel eyes.  Your eyes sometimes appear brown and sometimes blue depending on lighting.

Your bald little head has fuzz hair again. Your new head of hair is strawberry blonde.

We are so blessed and overjoyed to be you mommies. You are perfect in every way. xoxo
p.s. It's time to start planning your 1 year birthday celebration!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Today's zoo highlights

Hooray for holidays!  In celebration of Deona being off (Columbus Day) and cooler weather, we loaded up the boys and headed to the zoo!

We were so sad to see the zoo's "All Day Train Pass" no longer an option. :(  On the postitive side, lines were shorter and zoo members still receive 1/2 off ticket prices.  

Hooray for yummy Drumsticks, our fav!
 Everett had a blast running around in the Museum of Living Arts (MOLA).  He couldn't decide which exhibit was most exciting:

Our family really enjoys the zoo, especially during the Fall!  
We hope you had a wonderful holiday too.