
Friday, August 19, 2011

Don't Give Up On Me!

Okay so I realize I've been lousy with updates.  You're probably thinking, "I thought moving to a house was suppose to make their lives simpler", right?  WRONG-O!!  Well I'll tell ya, even after being completely moved in and having a designated playroom for all our toys and mess, Deona is back at work and I'm consumed.  Consumed with kids and housework during the day and all things Thirty-One in the evenings. I'm hopeful however my investment (time and money) will eventually pay off.  At the moment, I have 3 catalog parties, 1 house party and 1 Open House scheduled in the next month.  I'm not going to bore you with how much I like this product and company, but I will tell you it's worth visiting my website and making a purchase. and possibly having a Thirty-One party for me, so I can buy a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk for my frail and emaciated boys. :o)  Okay, okay.   I digress.   Anywho...
Don't give up on me, I'm still here and will be posting regularly soon; hopfully within the week.  In the meantime, here's a picture of our emaciated boys spinning on the office chair. :)

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