
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

This was our first year to stay home during the Halloween holiday, since Everett was born.  As much as we would have liked to visit with family and friends, Deona was feeling under the weather so we felt it was best not to work ourselves to exhaustion. Not to mention spreading icky germs.
Thanks uncle Dodo and aunt Tammy for the awesome bats and decorating our entryway - it added cheerful spook and we loved it!
 This year our boys dressed up as a fish and angler. 

Deona stayed behind to pass out goodies to the Trick-or-Treaters, while Grammy & I went trick-or-treating with the boys.

We returned early enough to see many more trick-or-treaters. 
Everett LOVED greeting all his guests and was eager handing out HANDFULS of candy. :)
I also passed out these:

Thirty-One mini catalogs.
Okay so maybe that's considered a "Trick" rather than a "Treat" but who cares - I passed out 90 of them!  That's wayyyy cheaper than mailing them to my neighbors. :)  I digress.

This is my favorite time of year and it's off to a great start! 
Happy Holidays  - to all of you!!   


Sal and Trace said...

Looks like great fun!!

I love their costumes. Maybe one year we should plan our american vacation for halloween, the boys would love it i am sure!!

I can't believe how much older Emory is looking all of a sudden. He is losing his baby features, and really rapidly turning into a real toddler..... so cute, but so sad......

time for another one yet?!?!?! lol

ROOT226 said...

We DID have a wonderful time and YES, this time of year would be great fun for you all to visit. We love Halloween it's funny to think others dont partake in it.
Seems as soon as we moved Emory turned into a little boy. makes me sad.
another one?! ANOTHER ONE?!! Haha. We'd LOVE more, but not sure we have enough energy, or time as it is. Not to mention how much money they cost. (o: