
Monday, June 4, 2012

Ev & Em's Annual Check-Ups

Everett was Emory's age the last time we made an appointment to see our pediatrician, so today I experienced much anxiety.  Why? Because today would be the day Ev remembers the pain of shots so this very idea broke my heart. 
After his thorough exam, Ev received four shots {DtaP, IPV, MMR, and Varicella}from the sweet and likable nurse that weighed and measured him before seeing his doctor.  His smiles and happy demeanor turned into a face in pain that clearly read "why did you have to hurt me?"  He "ouuuuuuuuuuuuuched" and whined more than he cried but soon after crawled into my lap an cried in my arms. Moments later Emory receieved his three shots. :o(   {DtaP, Hepatitis A and HIB} today. Yes Emory cried and though terribly TERRIBLY sad I find comfort knowing he will not remember today.  Shots aside a great visit and two clean bills of health.

weight = 39.6 pounds {75 percentile} 
height = 42.25 inches {90 percentile}

weight = 33.2 pounds {90 percentile}
height = 36.0 inches {75 percentile}

I find it interesting that their percentages are flip flopped. (o:

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