
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Everett is 16 weeks old!

Since our last posting, quite a lot has happened.

First, I (Monica) quit my job Aug. 15th, to be a stay-at-home mom. Though a scary decision for us, both Deona and I felt the sacrifices we'd have to make (like giving up cable television, cell phones and going out to dinner 4-6 times a week) outweighed the alternative of sending our baby boy to childcare.

Secondly, I (Monica) started caring for Matthew, Deona's sister's new baby boy and Everett's younger cousin (by 2 weeks). We're excited not only for the paycheck, but it will allow Everett to know his cousin Matthew a bit more.

Deona started work on Aug. 15th; this is her 4th year teaching spanish. She's excited and optimistic about a terrific school year. She's decided to return to school to obtain her Masters Degree in Education; she'd like to be a principal. I think she will be an amazing principal.

Enough about us, here's all about Everett...

Our baby boy isnt so little anymore. :(
Everett is wearing size 3-6 months & 6 month clothes, just depends on the item, and size 2 diapers. His 4 month doctor's appointment / check-up isn't until mid September, so i don't have his accurate height or weight at this time. Stay tuned.
Eyes - still blue
Hair - most of E's birth hair has fallen out and new growth of light brown/red hair has replaced it.
Birthmark - Everett's strawberry birthmark on the right side of his head is still visible, but signs of it breaking up are evident as a lighter (whitish) color has formed in the center. Fingers are crossed that it disapears soon.

Some of the things Everett has been doing...
-Signs of teething has begun
-Takes objects directly to mouth
-Laughs uncontrollably
-Smiles at mirror image
-Holds head up when sitting
-Bears weight on legs
-Rolls from tummy to back
-Rolls from back to tummy.
A note: Everett rolled from his back to tummy on the opening night of the Olympics; we think its a sign that he's going to be an Olympian.
-Explores and plays with hands
-Reaches for toes.
-Grasps objects with both hands
-Has eye-hand coordination
-Enjoys being rocked, bounced or swung
-Turns towards sounds and voices
-Voluntarily grasps and holds objects
-Gets upset if his moms leave the room.
-Can tell family and strangers apart

Currently little E is eating approximately 4-6 oz, every 3 hours or so. He's now exclusively on Similac Sensitive formula and currently going through a 25 oz can (the BIG cans) per week. Way to go Mama for providing nourishment through week 16!

Everett continues to sleep through the night. He typically goes to sleep (on his own) around 9:00-9:30 p.m. and wakes up around 6:30 in the morning. After 6 ounces of formula and a diaper change, Everett goes back to sleep for an additional 2 hours.
Thats a lot of rest for his moms.

Everetts favorite activity is playtime on his pallet. He especially likes singing songs (with hand motions) with Mama and Mommy; his favorite song is the Hokey Pokey.

I thank God everyday for the beautiful life I've been blessed with.

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