
Monday, September 22, 2008

Everett's 4 month check up

Everett had his 4 month doctor's appointment today.
Well, we've gathered that our baby is a big boy, and we keep hearing how much he looks more like a 6 month old. Today was no different.
Everett and I arrived at our 10:15 appointment this morning. We sat next to a really cute baby girl and her mother. The baby appeared to be about the same size as Everett, only had teeth. We soon found out she (the baby girl) was a 10 month old. :)

Our appointment went really well. Our doctor was excited to see how wonderful he looked and how well he was developing. Today, Everett weighed 16.7 pounds (75 percentile for his age) and is 27" in length (95 percentile for his age). Our Ev has grown out of his "chunk" stage and is now long and lean.
He also received follow-up doses to those vaccines he received at age 2 months. :( Two sticks, one in each leg and an oral vaccine. Poor baby boy.

Our pediatrician recommended that we discontinue the use a pacifier by 6 months. She claims at 6 months the need to suck is gone and the pacifier becomes a habit. So, looks like we only have two more months of going on "sussy" hunts. Hallelujia.

After seeing the doctor, we walked up to the reception desk to schedule our next appointment. The receptionist asked what we were coming in for (with a confused look on her face). I replied ,"for our 6 month appointment". Her jaw dropped with surprise; she said she would have never guessed he was only 4 months old.

OH! I forgot to mention, we were also given clearance for cereal (Note to Grampy Don: it's RICE cereal - no Cheerios or Raisin Bran) :) Tonight was Ev's first try eating like a big boy. He had a difficult time, and didnt quite get that he was suppose to swallow what was placed in his mouth. We captured a video snippet and also took some photos of this messy event.

Tomorrow, Everett will be 19 weeks old. He continues to do something new each day.
His latest achievement: putting his toes in his mouth. :)
He hasnt started crawling, but on his way. He has started scootching on his tummy. I wouldnt be the least bit suprised if he decides to walk first. Seriously folks, he's ready. I stand behind him; his little fingers clinched to mine. Everett takes steps around the house. He also LOVES standing on his Mama's thighs and will alternate high steps on each thigh. Seems he can't get enough activity, yet his moms are drop dead exhausted. AND HE'S ONLY 4 MONTHS OLD!

Deona, Everett & I will be traveling to see my (Monica's) family this month; i think everyone will be so surprised to see how much he's grown. Shoot, i'm surprised, and i see him every day. :)
Looking forward to sharing more!

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