
Thursday, February 12, 2009


No Rats, just an Everett.

Our little guy is having the best time using his teeth these days, all two of them.
Nothing goes unscathed; here are some of his latest "chews"...
(chew marks - top right)

(chew marks above the "C" and "I")

Dropper bottles:
We allowed Everett to hold a Tylenol and Mylecon bottle (two seperate occassions), during diaper changes; it seems giving him something to hold distracts him from flipping over. And i know what you're thinking...:"How about a toy?" Well, I've tried toys and they just don't keep him interested.
As you can see, he works really fast and pretty good at leaving his signature marks. We've moved on to a much larger dropper (with no paper labels or meds inside).

Food boxes:
Not even two minutes after putting this box in our grocery basket, Ev had chewed the top of the box. We had to tape the top closed at checkout.

Everett received a Valentines Day card from his aunt Mary and uncle Fred today; he was so excited!

He examines closely...

just a little taste....

Yes, those are tears in his eyes, I had to take the chewed envelope away from him.

30 seconds later...
Thanks aunt Mary and uncle Fred for the sweet card, as you can see, Everett LOVED it. :)

I'm not sure if this is a phase....gosh, i hope so. I just hope he doesn't move towards biting/eating flesh. EEK!

1 comment:

Sal and Trace said...

i can safely say Ev is not alone!! My boys also love to chew everything in sight. Ethan's favorite is the edge of the wooden coffee table. It makes a horrible grinding noise..... Benny loves paper, he makes a bee line for the mail and any newspaper in sight. In about 10 seconds he's got a nice chunk in his mouth!
Teething sure is troublesome!