
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Slides & Sticks

Today, Everett sat in his car that Gramma & Grampa got for his birthday, and said, "walk". It was very clear and there wasnt any guessing as to what he wanted to do this morning. So, we set out for a walk and ended up at the park across the street.

Everett loves slides; yet gets upset when I dont let him go down by himself. Try telling a one year old that someone has to be at the bottom to catch him, it's not very easy.

Well, maybe playing in the bark is just as fun,as going down the slide.

Then, we went on a hunt for sticks...

A fun morning with my growing boy. I really enjoy watching his skills develop; every day is something new. It's always exciting to see what's next.

1 comment:

Sal and Trace said...

Love this post. Going to the park is such fun. Everett looks like he's having a great time exploring. It's such a simple activity that brings so much joy. Looks like you have a great park near by, you're so lucky. I can't believe he wants to go down the slide by himself. My boys are only interested in banging the end of the slide with their hands!

The weather has finally dried up here and it hasn't rained for a week (which is great), but in the absence of the rain clouds, it is FREEZING COLD!! Ben and Ethan have enjoyed playing outside a little more in the last week. We've even had to get out the winter coats and hats. They look cute all dressed up, we'll put some pics up soon.

Hope all is well