
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our first family 5K

We walked our first family 5K, as part of "Ryan's Dream Team" for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Ryan (8 years old) has type 1 (juvenile) diabetes, which can strike children suddenly, making them dependent on injected or pumped insulin for life, and carries the constant threat of devastating complications.
Ryan is the son of one of my very best high school buddies, Tammy Dunn. It's been years since I've been in contact with Tammy or her family, but thanks to Facebook we're now able to stay in touch. Funny thing....Tammy's parents live in NRH and her brother lives a few blocks from our old Winewood house. Small world.
The day was gorgeous: sunny and cool; in fact, you couldnt ask for a nicer day. Our team wore lime green, shirts with a picture of Yoda, saying: "A cure we must find! Hmmmm?" Good job designing our shirts, Ryan everyone loved 'em; especially Everett (they matched his light-up neon green/black, Sketcher sneakers). :)
The walk was a perfect way to start off the weekend; we're looking forward to walking many more 5K's in honor of Ryan and the 3 million other children and young adults like him.

"Ryan's Dream Team", Fort Worth!

Ev having a snack, at the finish line. :)

If you would like to find our more and/or to get involved, visit JDRF website highlighted above.

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