
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Woods Chapel Baptist Church - Trunk or Treat

All dressed and ready to go. Cousin Matt was dressed as a Tiger, cousin Jordan went as Thomas the Train and of course our Ev was a Kangaroo (with joey).

Ev was so mesmerized with all the jack-o-lanterns and dancing ghost.

Ev's favorite game booth, "Tic Tac Toe".

Mama and Everett fish for a prize.
Ev loves horsin' (or should i say kanga-roo'n) with his Grampy.

Going home (Grampy has no idea Ev ripped off his pen from his shirt pocket). :)

Thanks Dondi for the invite, Everett had a blast!

1 comment:

Sal and Trace said...

too cute.

Ev looks great as a kangaroo!