
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Emory - 3 months old!

It's hard to believe Emory is 3 MONTHS OLD. :) My how time flies.
Some of the things he's been doing...

-Follows objects /people with his eyes.
-Recognizes his Mama and Mommys faces and voices.
-Recognizes sounds and will turn towards them.
-Holds his head up and steady; even when lying on his tummy.
-Smiles, gurgles and coos
-Imitates sounds: "a-cooo", "whoo" -Spits bubbles
-Can bear weight on his legs for a 5-10 seconds at a time.


Currently little E is eating approximately 5 oz, every 3 hours or so. We are using R.S. (Rice Starch) formulas which have continued to help keep meals down most of the time. Additionally, Emory is also taking baby Zantac / twice day to help with heartburn/acid reflux.


Though Emory isn't sleeping through the night yet, he's giving us a few more hours of sleep each night. To date, Emory's longest stretch has been 6 hours. Though his favorite sleep position is on his side or stomach, he goes to sleep on his back in a sleep positioner as we currently have his crib mattress inclined (at at 25-30 degree angle) for reflux. We save his favorite sleep positions during times we can supervise him. He currently sleeps in his crib through the night and is often brought to our bed for his early morning feedings. More for our benefit than Emory's.


Emory favorite activity is being held and snuggled. :) He's becoming very active and loves kicking his legs for exercise. He doesn't much care for his swing or papasan, but he enjoys pallet time.

As you can tell from the above photo, our baby boy isnt so little anymore. :o(

Size - Emory is wearing size 3-6 months & 6 month clothes, just depends on the item, and size 2 diapers. His 4 month doctor's appointment / check-up isn't until August 19th, so I don't have his accurate height or weight at this time.

Eyes - The are still the steel blue babies are born with.

Hair - some of E's birth hair has fallen out and new growth has come in. It's still too difficult to tell what color it will be. Funny it sometimes looks blonde; especially around his face in certain lighting.

Complextion - Emory definitely has a darker skin tone than his Mama and Everett. Though it appears he will tan easily, we have been especially careful to keep his skin protected /covered when we're out in the sun.

Bonus features - Emory recently developed a light birthmark (the size of a dime and shaped like Australia) above his left nipple. :) Additionally, we're discovering Emory has dimples (cheeks) they are even more noticeable the more expressive he becomes.

1 comment:

Sal and Trace said...

wow, Emory is getting so big!
SO handsome too :)
I love these posts, gives me a fantastic idea of their development. It's a great look inside your world. Thanks :)