
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Neurological Disorder or Very Intelligent?


It's been about six months since we started noticing Emory repeating under his breath. 
Here are a couple of examples (from today)...


 Emory is unaware when he does this,  however, we occasionally point out when it happens; he thinks it's pretty funny.  I started doing some online research and found this article. The doctor describes Palilalia as a nervous tic and she also notes that on occasion Pallilalia is a sign of a neurological disorder like Autism or Tourets or OCD.  Because we have not experienced any other symptoms, Emory's symptoms do not indicate a major issue and will most likely grow out of it.  We will, however, mention it to our pediatrician at our next visit.
Interestingly enough, the same doctor noted "Albert Einstein went through a year around the age of six where he repeated to himself in a whisper everything he said.  Apparently Palilalia is most common in kids who are very intelligent."
i WILL note Emory is VERY intelligent and I am challenged by him daily.   :)  Either way, i love and enjoy him completely.

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