
Monday, July 21, 2008

Everett's 2 month check up.

Worth noting before Everett's 2 month check up news...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY POP! Monica's dad celebrates his 65th birthday today. I love you!!!

Today was Everett's 2 month visit with the pediatrician.
In addition to having a complete physical exam (Doc said he looked, felt & sounded amazing), he received five vaccines (Hepatitis B, Polio, Pneumococcal disease, Diphtheria, Tetanus & Petussis, Rotavirus & Hib).
I can't say he was thrilled about getting all the shots, but he did really well. I think Deona and I both had a harder time watching.
The needles were really long and his little face expressed so much pain.
I really hope something is done about today’s vaccines soon, to make them more natural. It's too much on the parents who have to make such tough decisions, and then on the children who are just totally helpless.
Everett did amazing, considering what he had just gone through.
Yes, he cried, but was easy to console. After Mommy (Monica) gave him a few hugs and a pacifier, he almost instantly stopped crying.
When we got home, Mama (Deona) gave him a small dose of baby Tylenol, just in case of fever.
After a short nap in his swing, he had a bottle and then was up for playtime. Sweet baby boy is so resilient.
He's napping again; we'll be watching closely through the night.

How could I forget to mention Everett's growth?
Little E isn’t so little anymore. :( He now weighs 14 pounds and is 24.5" in length and is between 75-90 percentile on the growth chart. He is in the 50-75th for head circumference.

We also asked our pediatrician about Ev's strawberry hemangioma on the side of his head. It's grown from what looked like a mosquito bite to the size of a fingernail. She didn’t express any concern and said it would most likely dissapear by age 5. Luckily it is on his scalp, so until then, his hair will cover the raised mark. He's still precious and the cutest baby ever! :)
We're relieved the appointment is over with and can now breathe a sigh of relief.
Since our last development post, E's been perfecting his smiles, coo's and laughs. Additionally, he's sleeping lots more; in fact, he slept through the night (8 hours) this week.
Stay tuned for more of Everett's milestones and photos.

Photo is Everett "coo-ing" at 2 month's old.

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