
Monday, October 13, 2008

Everett is 5 months old!

Wow, I can't believe that our little boy is 5 months old. Time has flown by.
Everett is getting bigger, smarter and funnier every day.
I know I sound like a broken record, but its true!


Eyes: still blue (& gorgeous!)
Hair: is thicker and looks brown or red, depending on the lighting, so cool.
Birthmark: still visible, as expected.
Body shape: long and thin.
Clothing size:
rompers - anywhere between size 3-9 months, depending on the brand, onesies 3-6 months
tops 6-9 months
bottoms 0-3 months. Pants/jeans do not fit properly. We put a pair of 6 month jeans on him, and the waist was too big and the pant legs were too short (above his ankles). Overalls have been a good choice.
Everett's preference: Wearing diapers only. :)


Reaching his milestones by leaps and bounds.

-Grabs his feet and pulls to mouth; sucks his big toes.

-Grasps and holds objects.

-Takes objects directly to mouth.
Recently, Ev grabbed at a bottle I was preparing for him; water and formula was all over us, and the floor
Recently, at El Chico (mexican restaurant), Ev grabbed the salsa bowl and his hand was covered in salsa, faster than i could remove the bowl.

-Watches objects that are dropped.

-Is making vowel-consonant sound combinations and two syllable sounds like "da da", "na du" etc.

-Talks when others are talking.

-Is making funny noises with his mouth...inhales while sucking in lower lip.

-Loves babbling, and making bubbles/raspberries.

-Has been chewing and biting down.

-Grabs the back of his moms head and clutches a hand full of hair for security.

-Enjoys grabbing Mommy's face and proceeds to suck on her chin. SO FUNNY!

-Can lift his chest and part of stomach off the surface bearing weight on hands when on his stomach.

-Can stick butt up in the air, when on his stomach.

-While on back, can arch his back off the floor and scoot backwards, with his feet.

-Adjusts body to see an object.

-Turns head from side to side and then looks up or down.

-Is starting to sit without support; leans forward on both hands.

-Bears full weight on feet.

-Steps side to side, alternating weight on each leg while standing on laps.

-Bounces when held in standing position.

-Bangs objects on surfaces.

-Responds to his name.


Currently he is eating approximately 6 oz, every 2-3 hours or so. He's still on formula but has also been eating baby food; including carrots, peas, sweet potatoes and rice cereal.
Fruits will be introduced this weekend.


Everett continues to sleep through the night. His bedtime is 10:00 p.m. and has been waking up about 6:15 a.m. for his morning meal. After 6 oz. of formula and a diaper change, Everett naps an additional 2 hours.


Everett is TEETHING!
Poor baby is sometimes in sooo much pain. :(
Tylenol, Baby Orajel and a gum brush have been essential.
Thinking we'll get a tooth (or two) this month.


His fav's (at this time) are: cuddle time, being surprised (from behind the sofa, door, etc) or games of "Im going to get you",and going for walks around the block.

Everett is no longer interested in his sitting/laying activities like his bouncer, swing and floor gym. His exersaucer is the only activity he is entertained by; he is mostly interested in activities that allow him to sit or stand up.

We'll be posting more this weekend, after a trip to the pumkin patch! Stay Tuned!!

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