
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Has anyone seen our helpless baby boy?

Our baby boy seems to have grown into an independent, adventurous young toddler who wants to feed himself, drink from his sippy cup and toddle around in one sock.

Everett really seems to enjoy feeding himself. Recently, he decided he was done with puree'd baby foods; this became evident when the foods he was eating, would come out with those, ever so cute "raspberry" noises, he sometimes makes. Gerber Graduates, like spinich tortellini and various other chewables like black beans, cheese, and bananas, seems to have done the trick AND he enjoys meal times again. Foods such as these also allow Ev to use a fork. He really enjoys using a fork, but he still loves eating with his hands too, as he still likes to smash black beans and bananas with his fore finger.

This week, he's also taken to sippy cups. I'm not even sure if sippy cups are recommended or not. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that sippy cups should be avoided all together. Maybe it was about teeth, or getting buck teeth, or something like that. Anyhow, Ev doesnt have front teeth yet, so I'm guessing it's okay, it's a nice change anyhow. I'll research it; including asking his pediatrician (before he gets his front teeth) and get back to you on that one. Until then, Ev will sip away and enjoy all the sips from his sippy cup. :)

Lastly, Ev only likes to wear one sock. That's all; no explanation.

Everett is feeding, drinking and undressing himself.
Looks like our job is done.

yes, that's tortellini on his seat.

1 comment:

Sal and Trace said...

too cute.
Ev is very clever, my boys can not use their sippy cups yet. They do however like to drink (and spill) water out of a regular glass. I've never heard that about sippy cups, please let us know what you learn.

Ev sure has grown up. Ethan is like Ev with the foods, he prefers chunkier food he can pick up and chew. Ben still prefers very easy to swallow slippery puree foods (fav is still puree pear). We've never given them a fork, i dont think they'd know how it use it. Maybe we'll try tomorrow.

Ev is getting so big, i love the new pics. I love that dark shirt with the orange collar. Very handsome.

Did you ever get that haircut? His hair is looking quite long. We're thinking of getting Ethan's hair cut soon. It isn't too long on top, but around his neck at the back it's almost an inch long. Needs a tidy-up.

What's going on with the walking? Any more action in that area. Post videos please!