
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Everett's 2 year check up

Today Ev weighed 30 pounds, 8 ounces and measured in the 75th percentile and was 36.5" in length and in the 90th percentile.

He also received four vaccines and didn't like it one bit. :o( Broke our hearts.

Everett's 2 year appointment was very thorough and allowed us to ask many questions including Ev's diet, speech, and potty training. We expressed some concern that Everett is using fewer words than six months ago and also we've had concerns that he doesn't like to eat. To ease our minds, Doc gave us a referral to see a speech therapist for an assessment. Additionally, she didn't feel any concerns with Everett's diet. She noted 2 year olds with hearty appetites are hard to find. We are on schedule with potty training and she suggested we blow through the pull-ups and start wearing big boy underwear. YIKES! Not sure Ev's moms are ready for that. Guess it's time to stock up on big boy underwear. :)

1 comment:

Sal and Trace said...

Another big boy!!!
And another gorgeous boy!!

He is about 2lb heavier and 2inches taller than Ethan, and 4lb and 3inches bigger than Ben. WOW!

A few months back, we took Ethan to a speech pathologist as we were concerned that he wasn't talking. She gave us a lot of info and put our mind at ease. I hope you get the same good news. A lot of kids are perfectly normal, just late talkers. Apparently Einstein didn't talk till he was 3 or 4!

Good luck with the potty training.