
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Swimming Lessons - Last Class

I was so excited to show up for Everett’s last swimming lesson last 6/17 so I could record and share his progress over the two week period. Sadly, he was a brat.

Deona and I both thought it was because I was there. Even in my attempts to hide behind bushes and the hanging towels on rails, Ev managed to find me and cried because I was not swimming with them. Even so, I was able to get a few seconds of video. Again, I will tell you we were very pleased with the lessons and extremely satisfied with his progress.
Swimming without "water wings".
Ms. Ruhde gives Deona a "mama break" while Ev cools down.
On Thursday the children wore "water wings" to start swimming on their own. Ms. Ruhde thinks "water wings" are acceptable to wear until age 3.

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