
Saturday, December 13, 2008

7 months old

Dearest Everett,

You are seven months old today! Here are some of your milestones for this month…
You’ve gotten so much stronger in your sitting muscles. You can lean way over to the side and in front of you to pick up a toy and then you can sit back very upright. You can also sit up from being on your back or belly. You are crawling and lunging to get to what you want during playtime. You've also starting standing on your own, I can hardly believe how fast you are growing.

Lately, you've been making funny "smacking" noises when you crawl, almost like "kissy" noises. :)
You love sorting through your playthings. You enjoy flipping over your baskets of books and toys. Then you’ll pick up a toy, examine it, put it in your mouth and then toss it away for a new one. You can hold two toys at once, one in each hand. And you can pass a toy from one hand to another. You can grasp objects between your thumb and fingers—not quite the pincher grasp but getting very close to it.

You’re trying new foods every week. You’re learning to feed yourself banana puffs and graham crackers. This week, you tried your very first table food, homemade flour tortilla from “Pico de Gallo” in San Antonio! YOU LOVED IT!!! Though you didn’t eat it, you gummed the tortilla until it melted in your mouth. We’ve also discovered you’re allergic to carrots. Your little face gets so red and itchy. No more carrots for a while.

You are laughing more and more these days. You are particularly ticklish under your arms, ribs and on the soles of your feet. You weighed 18 lbs, 11 oz. at your six month check two weeks ago, which is a gain of 2 lbs., 4 oz. and you grew two inches, since your four month “Well Check”
You're now wearing 9 / 12 month clothing and still in size 3 diapers. You’re tall and thin and have a skinny waist. Your hair is reddish brown and it grows very fast, yet, growing in beautifully. You still have gorgeous blue eyes.

You make your mommies smile every day and we are so happy you are doing so well.

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