
Monday, May 10, 2010

Emory - 1 month old!

So Emory is one month old today. We are amazed how very different parenthood is this time around, it's like we're first time parents all over again. I'd love to share that Emory is a happy baby, however our spoiled and cranky baby loves to be carried and LOVES to eat. So unless you have a warm bossom and/or bottle, get out of the way. :0)
getting sleepy after feeding....3,2,1, out.

Check our Emory's receding hairline. :)

Emory has more control of his head and raises it when lying on his stomach.
His eyes are focusing. On Saturday, Emory shared a couple of smiles for the first time.
Currently Emory is eating approximately 4 oz, every 2 hours. (Breastmilk & Enfamil A.R. Lipil)
Emory sleeps between Deona and I through the night. Because of his reflux, he is sleeping on an incline. Bedtime has been around 10:00 p.m. His longest sleep stretch has been 5 hours.
Our next doctors appointment is June 15th, so we don’t know how much he has actually grown since our last doctor's appointment last Monday.
He is officially out of newborn diapers. Because of the recent change in Pampers Swaddlers (they now contain DryMax which is an irritant to many babies; including Emory), we have switched to G diapers and Huggies Pure & Natural.
Emory should be wearing 0-3 month clothing but is currently squeezing into newborn clothing until it's worn at least once.
Emory's eyes are still slate blue and hair is still light brown.

We are so in love with our baby boy and have decided to keep him. :)

1 comment:

amber o said...

It's a good thing yall want him, cuz those lil' boogers are sure hard to return!
; )