
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Reflux Update

So this morning we took Emory in for his doctor's appointment. Our doc confirmed Emory does indeed have reflux. Though she thinks he will eventually out grow this by six months, she recommended a few changes:
  • Formula - we're now using Enfamil A.R. Lipil which is milk based and thickened with added rice starch which is designed to become thicker in the stomach and to help Emory keep his formula down. Because breastmilk is very thin, he can only have it during the day when we are most attentive during feedings.
  • Feeding - 3 to 4 ounces every 1.5-2 hours. Emory should also be fed inclined; almost sitting up. He needs to be burped more than usual and has to remain upright for 30 minutes before putting him down.
  • Sleep Position -inclined. No more laying flat on his back.

Hopefully these changes will prevent our baby boy from having another scary spell.

Cute story from our doctor's visit....the nurse placed a monitor on Emory's big toe to check the oxygen in his blood. Everett was so distraught over the procedure, he tried removing the monitor himself. Everett is becoming very protective of his little brother and again was so sweet holding Emory's tiny hand in the truck. I love my boys.

OH, almost forgot to mention...Since our appointment on April 16th, Emory gained 2 pounds, 3.5 ounces. So today he weighed 10 pounds, 7 ounces. Obviously he's not starving over this newly discovered condition. :)

Thank you for your concern and prayers, it means so much to Deona and I.


Jenifer said...

Glad my little buddy will be ok. Hope he grows out of it soon. I will definatly be bringing a change of clothes with me from now on, even though I loved the shorty robe! I love those boys.

Sal and Trace said...

awww, great pics.
glad to hear that you have an answer, and a good plan.
Ben had reflux similar to that as a baby, and had to have thickened milk.
We have a product in australia that you can add to any liquid to thicken it. It is a tasteless, odouless, colourless powder, and you can add it to expressed breast milk to thicken it.
I think it's called karicare food thickener.

on the plus side, ben did grow out of his spit-up reflux stage around 6 months old

ps, got your present today. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
the boys look so cute in their hats, and absolutly love their baseball bats and balls. I came home from work to see them sitting on the front porch wearing their hats, with bats and balls in hands. Ben's been saying "baseball", "baseball bat", "hit ball", "texas", "hat", ben's turn". Even Ethan said "baseball" and "hat". Ethan loves hats, and spent the whole evening putting it on and off his head.
Tonight both boys wanted to take their presents to bed. We allowed them to take a ball each to bed. - No bats in bed!!!
Thanks again!!!