
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wild About Watermelon!

Everett and Mama made a trip to Greens Produce today. Guess what Everett wanted for dinner?

Beautiful Boy.

Pick a Good Watermelon
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Look the watermelon over.
You are looking for a firm, symmetrical watermelon that is free from bruises, cuts or dents.

2. Lift it up.
The watermelon should be heavy for it's size. Watermelon is 92% water, most of the weight is water.

3. Turn it over.
The underside of the watermelon should have a creamy yellow spot from where it sat on the ground and ripened in the sun.

Fun Facts
•The first recorded watermelon harvest occurred nearly 5,000 years ago in Egypt.
•Over 1,200 varieties of watermelons are grown worldwide in 96 countries.
•Watermelon in 92% water.
•Watermelon's official name is Citrullus Lanatus of the botanical family Curcurbitaceae. It is cousins to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash.
•By weight, watermelon is the most-consumed melon in the U.S., followed by cantaloupe and honeydew.
•Early explorers used watermelons as canteens.
•The first cookbook published in the U.S. in 1776 contained a recipe for watermelon rind pickles.
•In 1990, Bill Carson of Arrington, TN grew the largest watermelon at 262 pounds that is still on the record books (1998 ed. Guinness Book of World Records).

source: National Watermelon Promotion Board

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