
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

7 Month Birthday!


Hooray Emory, you are seven months old today!

Here are some of your milestones for this month…

You’ve gotten so much stronger in your sitting muscles. You are not only sitting on your own, but you can also go from lying to sitting up; sometimes you'll even take a mid way resting lounge. :) You are crawling and lunging to get to what you want during playtime.  You can army crawl very fast; espically to get Mommy’s phone, Ipod and the cat. You love playing in your crib. You have almost pulled yourself up to standing position, I'm sure it will happen this week.

You’re trying new foods every week. Other than puréed veggies and fruits you haven’t tried much else, well except for a banana. You didn’t care for it. at all.  You gagged and threw up your sweet potato lunch. Ick.  You especially like carrots and sweet potatoes and have not reacted to beta carotene foods like your brother. We’re keeping a close watch just in case you develop any allergies.

You are laughing more and more these days. You are ticklish; particularly under your arms and chin, ribs and on the soles of your feet.

Today you had your second flu shot for the season. You weighed 23 lbs, 12 oz.
You're wearing 12/18 month clothing and in size 5 diapers. You’re tall and solid and have strong, chunky thighs. Your hair is coming in  beautifully. We can’t tell what color it will be but most often it looks light brown / blonde. Your eyes are beeeeautiful. Most often they look hazel but sometimes green and sometimes brown.   Oh and I almost forgot to mention: You'e been sleeping in your own room and crib since your 6 month birthday.  Your bedtime has been around 10:00 and uusually up a couple of times through the night.  You fall right to sleep after a bottle and diaper change.

Sweet Emory, not only are you a gorgeous child but you are an angel, always so sweet, so content, so happy.   You make us smile every day and we are so blessed to be your mommies. Happy Birthday beautiful boy.


Tammy said...


Anonymous said...

You are growing much too fast Grammy's sweet baby boy!

Anonymous said...

WOW, he's getting so big!
I can't believe he's 7 months already! Bittersweet isn't it.

He is just adorable :)

Sal & Tracie