
Friday, December 10, 2010

8 Months Old


Dearest Emory,

I’m so glad you are only 8 months old this month. For two weeks I’ve been thinking you were turning 9 months old, this made me very sad.

Here are some of the ways you have grown this month.

Crawling / Climbing / Walking
Now that you’re a pretty good crawler you love exploring and getting into mischief. Often times it’s to remove your brother’s plate from his Bumbo tray or to chase Grey Kitty’s tail.
Since your 7 month update, you have mastered pulling yourself up to standing position. Just a week ago you found and used a few stacked, empty Christmas boxes to pull  yourself up.  Lucky for us, they fell over you and did not injure or land on you.
This week, you’ve started taking steps, holding our hands of course.

You’re almost sleeping through the night. Most nights, you’ll usually wake once around 4:00 a.m. After a bottle, you fall back to sleep. 

Like your brother at this age, you no longer take long naps. Instead you take a 20-30 minute catnaps every couple of hours.

You have two teeth (bottom front) inside your little mouth. You’ve been chewing your fingers like crazy and it appears there are more teeth ready to burst through any moment.

You enjoy mealtime! You’ll try anything and everything we give you. In addition to baby foods, you continue to have formula every 3-6 hours.
A sample of what you’re eating during the day:
Breakfast - bowl of oatmeal followed by a 4 ounce bottle.
Lunch - A jar of vegetables (stage 2), followed by a 6 ounce bottle.
Snack - Gerber cookie/cracker, veggie puffs, stars
Dinner - Jar of veggies and/or a fruit jar followed by a 6 ounce bottle.
You’ve been working on your pincher grasp. Most of the time you’re able to pick up your food; however it usually falls before making it into your mouth.
Some (non-baby food jars) food you’re tried/eating: avocado, mashed potatoes, green beans, bananas, oatmeal, tortillas and toast.

Emory & Everett having breakfast.
Weight - According to our home scale, you weigh 24 pounds.
Sizes - You wear 12 month clothing but 18 month clothing fits most comfortably. You wear a couple of onesies that are 24 months. You squeeze into a size 3 shoe and wear a size 5 diaper.
Hair – Light Brown/Strawberry blonde with definite blonde highlights.
Eyes - Hazel and beautiful. We’ve been told your eyes appear to be getting lighter.

Most Challenging
Dressing you.  You have reached an age where you dislike being dressed; especially when we make you lay down.  Most frustrating is putting on a pair of pants.  By the time your second leg is in, your first has escaped.  Diaper changing can be challenging as well as you enjoy flipping yourself over.

What Others Are Saying
We CONSTANTLY hear what a happy and content baby you are.  Everyone is so comfortable to hold/talk to you.  You are seriously the happiest and most content baby there ever was.  When meeting someone for the first time you will spend a couple of minutes analyzing them; you show no emotions until you've figured them out.  Afterwards, pure joy.

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!


Unknown said...

I love this picture!!!

Sal and Trace said...

Love this post!!!
I finally remembered to scroll back and check for the full story, and im glad i did!
Inlove hearing things like this about your gorgeous boys!
thanks for sharing.