
Monday, December 13, 2010

Two years, 7 months

Counting down to Everett's 3rd birthday.
Today Everett is 2 years and 7 months old!
Weight: 31.5 pound
Height:  38.5"
Favorite foods - apples and cookies 
Favorite toy - trains!
Favorite book - "Where is the Green Sheep?"
Accomplishments - Everett is a GREAT big brother.  He helps us change diapers, find sussys (pacifiers) and even helps feed Emory his snacks.
Challenges - Poor appetite and cleaning up his room before bedtime.
Just ahead - Potty Training.  The plan is to start potty training over the Christmas holiday break.  Wish us luck! :)


Anonymous said...

My advice, not having any kids is, try not to put too much pressure on yourselves and Everett. Love you, Dixie

Sal and Trace said...

Wow, what a big and handsome boy!
I can't believe how tall he is! My boys are a couple of inches shorter. (assuming I'm converting from cm properly)
I love that he loves his green sheep book. My boys enjoy that one too. have you got it memorized yet. Lol

Great post, thanks!