
Monday, December 13, 2010

Extremists - there's a balance people!

I will admit I'm a bit of a Scrooge during the Christmas holiday season and as as I've stated before I don't agree that the focus EVER be about exchanging gifts, but on the flip side I also don't feel this time of year is all about the birth of Jesus either.  I'm sure you'd agree because if you didn't you wouldn't feel the need to attend holiday parties, put up a tree, lights, buy gifts for those who don't really need anything, photos with Santa, etc. etc.

Yes, "Jesus is the reason for the Season".  I get that, honestly I do.  But what makes this time of year so special to me is sharing special moments and creating everlasting memories with family and friends.   Our boys will absolutely grow up knowing that December 25th is Jesus' birthday*, but I am hopeful they too find this month to be magical in more ways than just receiving gifts. For me it means a holiday meal, baking cookies, setting up a Christmas tree, driving around in our jammies to find/see Christmas lights, sipping hot cocoa, game nights, reading holiday books, watching holiday movies, donating to a local charity / feeding a family, taking pictures with Santa,  listening to Christmas music,  gift giving all while remembering and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

I happend upon a blog today.  Take a read and let me know what you think.  OH and I'm sharing this because I'm bothered. beyond belief.   And  "BigGirl" is the authors daughter, who appears to be about 5 years old:

"We told BigGirl the truth about Santa this year. if you're wondering why.... i dare ask you, why not? the truth is this: there's no such thing as Santa. the truth is this: there's no point in pretending he's real. the truth is this: she deserves the truth. the truth is this: Christmas is about Jesus. the truth is this: the presents come from Mom and Dad. the truth is this: it isn't about presents anyway. there are so many truths about CHRISTmas that get buried in Santa's big red bag. the truth is this: we're taking back Christmas.
who are we to make Christmas all about us? we know in our hearts the real reason for the season, that Jesus is the real gift! there's no tradition too strong, no worldly custom too widespread, for us to hold on to anything other than the truth of the season. i can't find any scripture about Santa in the Bible.
it delights me, just a girl who longs to please God, to find more and more families are also taking back Christmas. i'm not the only one telling the truth this Christmas. more people are doing things different, being radical, and highlighting CHRIST in Christmas.

Two words - Extremist Freak.  There's a balance people!  I'm not sure how you received this, but it not only angers me but I feel ultra sad for her child(ren).   Do you suppose she also feels the need to tell her children that Mickey Mouse is not real, Donald Duck is just ink and the Ninja Turtles are crap?   If people eliminate Santa because they are too strict as Christians and too lousy to participate in the gift-giving part of the celebration, then they are missing the message of love and caring that the season brings to mankind.   In my opinion, much of the magic and "BigGirl's" youth has been ripped off,  making this child grow up too quick.  Downright selfish.  I don't feel like quite the Scrooge, anymore.

*Note:  I also recognize that December 25 was not the actual date of Jesus Christs birth, but the date we choose to remember it.

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