
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Making a difference- one person at a time.

Every day I turn on the tv, or the computer I'm blasted by breaking news of shootings, robberies, abductions, bullying and political mess.

Loved Bill Maher message on Jay Leno Show 1.11.11

The world is in turmoil and it not only infuriates me but it terrifies me to think of our boys trying to navigate their way in this cruel world. Sometimes I wonder if bringing a child into this world is a completely selfish act. Like is it just something that we do because we think we're supposed to, or because we need the title of "Mom" or "Dad" to complete us?  Our boys are two of the best things that ever happened to me. By far. It terrifies me to let them out into this world that they were brought into; I will do everything in our power to keep them safe. We (Deona and I) are their first role models and it is our responsibility to be/stay involved. It is a lifetime commitment.

Recently the hot topic in/on the news was about Bullying. Putting measures in schools to protect our children is a must, but shouldn’t our leaders/politicians be held accountable for their actions as well?  Like it or not, politicians are role models. For me, I think it will be challenging to explain to our boys that “our leaders are behaving this way, but you shouldn't". I'm waiting for the day a politician runs a genuinely clean election (without bullying or bashing the opposition). I would vote for them. Cross.My.Heart.  Perhaps they don't deserve my vote, but I'd vote for them just because of their clean campaign.

I am horrified and saddened to learn about the attack and loss of life in the Tucson shooting. Please continue praying for those affected, including the shooter. This young man clearly fell through the cracks.
We all have the potential to be great role models.  I'm starting with me. As a parent, it is my responsibility to guide our boys.  My actions are powerful.  My words are powerful. It's time I start taking responsibility.  Will you join me? I have some ideas and will blog about them in later posts.  
Together, we can all make a difference. One person at a time.

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